As a Muslim it is appropriate that we idolize the Prophet Muhammad SAW. We all know the greatness of him on this earth. Many things are worthy of our sample from him such as he attributes the Siddiq (True), Amanah (In trust), Tableg (Presenting), Fatonah (Intelligent / Smart), and many other ideals-ideals.
Maybe I do not like young children who may be more idolized other celebrities celebrities homeland perhaps even abroad.
I have my own reasons why more idolized the Prophet Muhammad as leader or role model in my daily life. Besides due to the properties he is so noble, he will also be enormous patience and extraordinary as we all know, or often we learn and know many of the history of Prophet Muhammad SAW. He struggles in carrying out his apostolic duties encountered many obstacles and tantantangan very berat.Beliau not only insulted and obscenities, but his followers often dal dirt and stones thrown up all bloody and no longer able to stand up to continue the journey. When the angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad offered to be allowed to raise a mountain of Uhud to Ta'if inflicted upon the population of molesting her. But the Prophet refused to offer the Angel Gabriel and then he prayed to Allah SWT.
"God forgive (those who persecute me) it, they persecute me because they do not understand". Prayer was granted by Allah SWT and then the day finally Ta'if many people embraced Islam even king obliges people to live the teachings of the religion of Islam sebgai country.
One day there was the business of the Quraish to quickly finish off his life, when people who would kill it (Suraqah) up behind the Messenger of Allah, his horse suddenly fell incident repeated three times. Finally Suraqah'm Sorry and declares Islam. After that Suraqah returned to Mecca and promised to spread Islam to unbelievers.
Explanation of the above as an example of determination and fortitude Prophet Muhammad. From there he exemplary examples can we be his extraordinary patience, until the people who persecuted dido'akan not even replied to the crime.
Dikarya I write this I'll write a little "Brief History of The Birth of the Prophet Muhammad"....
At the time of mankind in darkness and lost grip of his life, was born into the world of simple family in the city of Mecca a baby who would bring great change to the history of world civilization. The baby was orphaned, his father’s name is (Abdullah) died approximately 3 months before he was born. The presence of the baby was welcomed by his grandfather Muttalib lovingly and then the baby was brought to the Kaaba. In this holy place named the baby Muhammad, a name that has never existed before the calendar according to experts. Muhammad's birth on 12 Rabiulawal years Elephants, because at that time the city of Mecca deserang by an army of strong Christians under the leadership of Abraha. Governor of Abbasiniya Christian kingdoms that ruled in Yemen. And they intend to destroy the Kaaba. At that time Abraha Elephant ride. Not to mention their intention is achieved, they were destroyed by Allah SWT by sending Ababil birds, therefore it forces the vehicle uses an elephant, then the Arabs call the army troops Elephant, the year of this event, called the year of the elephant, and hence the birth of the Prophet SAW at that precise moment the birth of Prophet Muhammad is called the Year of the Elephant.
Prophet Muhammad Abdullah bin Abdul Mutholib child, his mother Aminah bint Wahab from among the respected tribe of Quraysh noble in those days. The second is related nasabnya kekeliargaan of a fifth brother, but not so long that her social, because the father Abdullah (the Prophet's father) had died when the Prophet was still in the womb, so will state the Prophet did not know his father. Prophet Muhammad did not receive the remains of many possessions, but only a few camels. Thus the Prophet's family was not among those tycoons.
At the time of the Prophet Muhammad was born, including orphans, after he was born it became the custom of Mecca region that looked for people who have a child feeding from the village and they choose people who have a good descent, in order to affect the baby, then at that time Khalimatus Sa'diyah mother came to the Prophet (Siti Aminah) he offered to nursing (care) to the Prophet Muhammad, then the approval of all families, they brought to the house of the Prophet decided Khalimatus Sa'diyah fed (treated) for 2 years, when she was caring for Prophet's mind was growing excited and happy that the economy added extensive, livestock animal fat increased, so did the plants grow lush. So terasalah him joy of his life in the time difference before treating the Prophet and the Prophet's time care, the provision for 2 years caring for Khalimatus Sa'diyah felt only briefly for him then after the expiry of two years, datangkah Khalimah to the mother of the Prophet (Amina) for request an additional two years longer in the care of the Prophet, then consult his family in this case, then by consensus family of the Prophet handed back to the Khaliamh for 2 years, so the Prophet treated Khalimatus Sa'diyah for 4 years.
When the Prophet was 12 years old he followed his uncle Abu Talib went to Sham for the trade, on arrival at Bushra he met one Christian pastor who 'alim (buhairo) name, the pastor knows the signs of prophecy that is in the Prophet, then dinasihatilah Abu Talib, should return to Mecca because he was worried that Muhammad invented by Jews who would be persecuted, to hear the news as it is usually in childhood, he returned kepekerjaannya families herding goats and the goats the other inhabitants of Mecca entrusted to him, a job herding goats produce a very good education, the Prophet himself, because this work, it requires perseverance, patience and composure and skill in work and action.
At the age of approximately 15 years of the Prophet Muhammad has actively participated in the battle between the Quraish tribe to tribe Qois called dawn of war. At age 25 years married to a widow who is aged 40 years is Khodijah. His life is increasingly respected by the tribe of Quraysh and other tribes. When 40-year-old loner in Cave Hiro ', precisely on 17 Romadhon messenger angel Gabriel came to Allah who gave the task to the Prophet Muhammad SAW to deliver the revelation, which means appointed menfadi Apostles. Apostolic task for 23 years to achieve maximum results through Arabia had embraced Islam.

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